Teacher Self-Care 101

As much of a fulfilling profession as teaching can be, it can also be one of the most stressful. Many teachers will actually experience such extreme levels of stress that they’re eventually met with burnout. This burnout, in turn, can leave them feeling so mentally and physically distraught that they’re never able to return to teaching. Understanding a profession has the ability to have such an impact on the mental and physical health of an individual, changes need to be made in the way in which teachers are handling and processing these stressors. This is to say rather than just discussing the issue surrounding teacher burnout, it must be combatted immediately. At the individual level, teachers need to be able to identify stressors and work toward handling them in an effective way. This is often known as self-care. The self-care strategies discussed in the infographic accompanying this post can ensure that teachers are receiving the highest level of quality care from themselves both on the job and at home. For more information about these self-care methods and how they are contributing to the betterment of professionals at every educational level, please read on to the infographic embedded alongside this post.

Teacher Self-Care 101

Teacher Self-Care 101, provided by Curriculum Associates; an organization offering educational materials designed for the k-5 reading programs level.

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